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Something the speaker’s scared to say out loud, and I knew well enough what Charlotte was driving at, so I didn’t pick at that particular scab and force Charlotte to spell it out. Both for her sake and for the sake of my bruised and wounded ego, which really didn’t want to hear out loud an inventory of all the positive things any woman could see in Malcolm or Callan.My call with Charlotte on that Thursday night ended shortly after Charlotte’s softly spoken explanation of how ‘it was. I pushed her forward with that slap. Her ass moved up as she pushed away with her legs, not voluntarily, but she couldn't help her natural reaction. She screamed again, but then got back in her shaking position, with her pussy wide open for hard slapping. Her loud sobs were back at full force. I slapped her pussy again, as hard as I could again. She moved forward, took a moment getting back in position, and then I followed with another full strength slap. Her scream was longer, her shaking more. I saw his cock pulse and throb and knew he had cum. His cum was now inside the cupcake. When he pulled the cupcake away, there were a few crumbs on his now glistening head. Held there with a couple of drops of his sticky seed. I realized the special cream filling Mark was talking about was his cum. I was shocked speechless."Go ahead and take a bite. I'll wait." Mark stayed in front of me, his cock now hanging over his testicles.Almost as a passenger in my own body I took the cupcake from him. Tonight I would not be any kind of warrior princess; tonight I would be a living incarnation of what Bill sometimes referred to as simply The Photo, or The Goddess. He often talked about how much he liked a picture I had sent him, and he enjoyed describing to me what he loved about it. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I was wearing nothing but the robe-like shirt I had worn in the photo he loved so much. The black velvety material of my robe contrasted so nicely with the creamy complexion of.
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